Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Experiments with The Brush!!!

It was a lazy Sunday afternoon. All alone and completely jobless, I was bored out of my head with absolutely nothing to do. You know, the time when stupid thoughts enter your head? Well... that was when I decided I wanted to be another Leonardo! No No.... not the Ninja Turtles. No the Actor either. The all time great Artist Leonardo Da Vinci. So I scuttled off to the terrace with paint brushes and paint and canvas sheet in hand. I looked like an idiot all right and that is when my sister, 10 yrs younger to me, and the talent in my house (Yes yes.. I am the misfit) came running to save her stationary. After some begging & bribing she agreed to let me use her paints etc on strict conditions it be returned in one hour and not much should be wasted. (Grrrrrr... the disadvantage of being the innocent elder sister) Anyway, what was I saying??? Ah yes... so I decided to be a creative genius (I am not to be blamed here. I was misguided by comments like “such long fingers should brew creative thoughts.. blah blah” by random strangers)

Having decided that I shall be a Leonardo, and with full concentration, I started painting a landscape and was occupied for a while. After some time, my sister wanted to know why I was painting the sand with “Burnt Sienna”. Now I was lost. Who is this Siena?? And why was she burnt?? And why would my painting of a landscape remind my sister of someone burning??? Apparently she was talking bout the paint’s shade!! Duh!! How was I supposed to know right??? I resumed ignoring my sister, while she was cribbing bout some bad luck with me.

That wasn’t going to shake my determination. I spent the next one hour trying to decipher the weird names for the shades. And at the end of it I was no better. I still didn’t know if sea was supposed to be Prussian or Russian or Persian blue. I looked around to seek help and found that I was abandoned by my dear sister. Encouraged by lack of watchful eyes, I swished and splashed around with colors. Just when I thought my talents were getting somewhere i heard someone scream around me. THUD!!! I dropped my paints!!! My mom was “shocked” at the fact that I was attempting to paint and expressed it quite well with her high-pitched-paint-droppable scream. I turned back to give her a piece of my mind when she took one good look at me and didn’t stop laughing. Promptly my missing sister barged in along with her friend and joined my mother. I had poured quite a bit of the paint on my hair... and I must accept I looked like Gothika III trailer nomination results. Though why that evoked laughter from my family member is beyond me. I always knew they were a class apart. I just confirmed they were a weird class apart. What next?? Well, i spent the next one hour trying to get the paint off my head. Grrrrrrr....

But that still did not budge my flow of talents. And I completed a picture of ........ err..... something.... maybe you can see the picture and tell me what it is?!?! My family refuses to help describe it. (i told you.. I have a helpful family). Expect more on my hidden talents to jump out here. And ppl no biddin pls... am not selling my work of art!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Anyone for Coffee?

Carefully hidden. Amazingly calm. Blissfully green. Thankfully quite. Testimonial to cups and cups of Hot South Indian Coffee, Coffee? is closing down!!! The first ever coffee shop in Chennai, Coffee has withstood the test of time and given us a taste of coffee that we measure up to wherever we go. Who would’ve thought that this small shop with countable seating capacity will grow to be the one of the major hangout spots for South Chennai’s crowd! Secluded amidst one of the very few places in Chennai which can boast of being quite and peaceful, Coffee? has been serving coffee enthusiasts their very exclusive traditional South Indian Fare time and again. The melt in the mouth Cheese pizzas, Panner Balls, crunchy Popcorn, chilled out Frappe, silent breeze and the smell of freshly brewed coffee.... nothing beats the combination. Add the sounds of you and your friends laughing for inane things. And that’s when you already start missing Coffee?

On a personal note, Coffee? has seen me and a very few very close friends of mine in various states. Happy, sad, angry, bloody angry, bored, jobless, tired, enthusiastic, crazy, bitchy,... what not?!? Coffee? has seen us cry, it has seen us being plain crazy, and it has seen us laugh till we could laugh no more and now we’re going to see it go. Coffee? was the first choice after a tired day’s work and the last choice during any unscheduled meet up. Coffee? was what consoled us we found the world against us. Coffee? was the place for reunions and the place for separations. The extended home that we grew to love. And even though no other place will come even remotely close to the ambiance and warmth that comes with coffee, we shall have to start scouting for another joint.

This is a tribute to the place which has carried us through thick and thin. The place of thousand memories. Memories which will remain so richly etched in our minds. Forever....

Now the hunt begins.....